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Q&A with Vita Liberata: All your tanning questions answered

Q&A with Vita Liberata: All your tanning questions answered
Team LF
Writer and expert6 years ago
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We sat down with Clara, Vita Liberata's tanning expert to learn more about self-tanning, as well as pick up the best tips and tricks on how to apply it properly.

Discover some of the questions asked by you, our customers and the responses from Clara.

10 questions to answer all your tanning problems with Vita Liberata

Q How do I get my lower legs to look tanned? Fake tan just doesn’t seem to work as well on the area!
Most people find their tan takes less on their legs, especially their shins. This is because it’s a bonier area and is harder for the tan to take. To help combat this I would recommend using Body Blur which is our AMAZING body make up. This gives coverage and also highlights the skin so will give you a perfect, even finish. To make it last try Body Blur Sunless Glow which will develop to give you days of bronze!
Q Which is the best Vita Liberata product for a natural looking face tan?
One of my favourite face tanners in our Anti Age Serum. You can apply drops into your moisturiser/SPF or you can apply straight on to the skin. Not only does it build a beautiful natural glow each day, it also plumps the skin and works on fine lines and wrinkles - what’s not to love?!
Q Which is the best product to moisturise the skin and keep my tan bronzed?
I would definitely recommend Moisture Boost as it is an incredible moisturiser and has been specifically designed to help enhance and prolong a self tan.
Q Are the tanning products suitable for sensitive skin?
Vita Liberata is not only packed with organic botanicals, it is also completely toxin free which includes parabens, perfume and alcohol. This combination makes it extremely popular with anyone who has eczema and psoriasis. I would recommend patch testing on a small area first and leave it for 24 hours, then when applying use some moisturiser on any particularly bad patches. I’ve had so many people tell me how well it has worked for them so I hope you find the same result!
Q Which is the best product for fair & yellow-toned skin?
I would recommend a tinted product for you as it should give you more of a colour. Our pHenomenal tan is AMAZING. You can see it as you apply and then it develops or 8 hours. If you apply it over 3 nights letting it develop and showering between each application it lasts up to 2-3weeks!
Q When I apply tan to my face, even though I exfoliate before, I still find that it starts peeling on day 2. What am I doing wrong?
Ensure prior to applying the product you have no oil on your skin or have used wet wipes as if they have alcohol they can leave a residue. If you feel you are prepping your skin correctly it may be the product you are using. If the product contains perfume/fragrance this can dry the skin and cause the tan to go patchy or peel. With Vita Liberata we are completely toxin free and packed full of organic botanicals so each product will hydrate and nourish your skin as well as tan it.
Q I love the look of Beauty Blur, what’s the best way to use it?
Beauty Blur is one of my new favourites! It’s very versatile so you can use it as a primer, mix it in with your foundation or use it as a highlighter! During the week I sometimes use it instead of foundation as it’s so lightweight and gives a beautiful dewiness to the skin.
Q How often should I moisturise after tanning?
The more you moisturise after tanning the better - that includes just after washing it off! The more you moisturise the longer your tan lasts and the better it fades! I would say once a day as a minimum but twice if you can. Remember that oil breaks tan down quicker so go for a water based moisturiser to enhance and prolong your tan like Vita Liberata’s Moisture Boost which contains Hyaluronic Acid to keep skin silky soft!
Q What's the best way to prevent patches around the knees and ankles?
I always recommend applying to the leg first and whatever tan you have left on your mitt lightly skim over knees etc to avoid applying too much and this will help to stop any clinging.
Q What’s the best self tanning routine to get into for a beginner?
My top tip for a beginner is to use a product with a guide colour. This let’s you see exactly where you’ve applied the product which allows you to go over anywhere you may have missed out! Also go super lightly on hands, elbows, knees and feet to give the most natural effect. I use a damp cloth afterwards to buff knuckles and wrists.

Enjoy this? Try our best gradual tan or best fake tan for pale skin guides.

Team LF
Writer and expert
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