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The Best Tips for Feeling Confident at Parties

The Best Tips for Feeling Confident at Parties
Writer and expert8 years ago
View Laura's profile

A big night can be incredible but sometimes parties can feel a little daunting, especially if you're going on your own. We got talking to some of the lovely #LFAmbassadors to ask them their secrets for feeling confident and happy.

How to Feel Confident

It is amazing how the smallest changes can make a huge difference to how you feel. If you're feeling a little anxious about heading out to a special occasion, why not try some of the tricks that work our ambassadors?


Prep your Skin

"I feel most confident heading to the party when my skin feels fresh and glowing. A lot of this can be down to pre-party prep Be sure to keep hydrated by drinking plenty of water on the day and the day before heading to the party and if you have time, it's great to pamper your skin the night before with a face mask and go for a really hydrating night cream, like the Antipodes Avocado Pear Night Cream. To add extra glow to your skin before applying makeup, I like to use the Pixi Glowtion Day Dew. That always leaves my skin looking glowing and gives me an extra boost of confidence!" Samio Olowu 

Feel Comfortable

"Confidence isn't about being arrogant but it's about appreciating and loving yourself. Before you go to the party, make sure you FEEL amazing. If you feel conscious about your outfit or your make up then no matter how much you try to fake it or hide it, it will still be evident. Feeling comfortable and sexy will build your confidence!" Imogen Hudson

Trust your Own Judgement

"Make sure you 100% love what you look like. Nothing is more beautiful than confidence! So if you love what you look like, that's all that matters" Rachel Leary

Focus on Your Favourite Feature

"Focus on a feature you are most confident about. If it's your eyes, go for a flattering false lash to accentuate them. If it's your lips, use a pop of colour to draw attention to them. I love a good gloss, makes me feel fresh and girly! Nina Vee

Take a Deep Breath

"If you are worried about talking to new people, get there early and you’ll find you will make friends fast as it will be much easier to talk to everyone. If you are feeling nervous, take a time out and take a deep breath, count to 3 and then head back into the party, it really works!" Paula Holmes

Plan Everything Out

"I think when you have a killer outfit and your make up looks the bomb, then you don't need anything else. I always have to have what I'm wearing go with my make up to feel 100% confident." Yanin Namasonthi

Get Glowing for Photos

"I swear by the Hylamide Photography Foundation for feeling great. It has reflective pigment so your skin looks flawless in photos. You can also get transparent and wear it on top of your usual foundation or chose from two other slightly darker colours that work great with a summer tan." Abby Pell

Enjoy the Process

"I honestly believe that when I am confident that I look good, I feel so much more confident. So don't rush, take your time and enjoy getting ready, until you feel fabulous. Then, believe it. Even if you have to pretend to be confident, walk in with your head held high and be the girl everyone wants to talk to!" Josephine Fear

If you have any confidence tips of your own, why not share them with us? Just tweet @Lookfantastic; we’d love to hear your ideas.

Writer and expert
View Laura's profile
Major fan of scented candles, Make Up brushes and Highlighter. I’m always on the hunt for those Holy Grail products and my dressing table is covered in more beauty products than I like to admit. As an adopted Northerner originally from Brighton, I spend most my days wondering what all this rain is about. My hair isn’t grateful for the move. Currently loving: NIOD Photography Fluid