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Makeup Advice from Stila’s Sascha Jackson

Makeup Advice from Stila’s Sascha Jackson
Writer and expert8 years ago
View Laura's profile

We love hearing makeup tips right from the expert; they always have the best advice for getting a flawless look. We caught up with Stila's expert makeup artist, Sascha Jackson to talk all things beauty and makeup.

The Bio

Sascha knows everything there is to know about Stila. She is their lead Pro Artist and Trainer, educating all of the UK Stila team on how to get the most out of the products and how to use all the lastest launches.

She has worked as a freelance makeup artist for years but joined the Stila team in 2013. Think you recognise her face? You might have seen her talking about makeup on the television and at masterclasses around the country. We wanted to ask her some quick questions about her favourite makeup and beauty secrets.

The Interview


Q What is the one makeup item you cannot live without?
Stila's One Step Correct, it's amazing for both male and female models for creating a flawless base for makeup.
Q Can you share a beauty secret you swear by?
When you’re creating a strong black eye line, first take a soft brown eyeshadow and sketch the shape and style that you want, it's so much easier to correct than eyeliner. Then, once you’re happy,  go over it with your black liner. This enables you to get the right shape first and correct any mistakes easily.
Q What is your favourite makeup trend of the season?
I’m loving the dewy, plump skin and the refocus on strong eyeliner. I also love the retro matte lip. Stila's new MATTE'ificent lipstick gives a modern take on the 70's glam rock look.
Q Who is your beauty icon?
I couldn't possible pick just one beauty icon, but I adore the 90's super model. Bella Hadid is  also my favourite model right now; I absolutely love the way she can pull off so many different looks.
Q What’s the ultimate quick fix for flawless skin?
Writer and expert
View Laura's profile
Major fan of scented candles, Make Up brushes and Highlighter. I’m always on the hunt for those Holy Grail products and my dressing table is covered in more beauty products than I like to admit. As an adopted Northerner originally from Brighton, I spend most my days wondering what all this rain is about. My hair isn’t grateful for the move. Currently loving: NIOD Photography Fluid