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Beauty & Rebellion With Illamasqua’s Julian Kynaston

Beauty & Rebellion With Illamasqua’s Julian Kynaston
Writer and expert8 years ago
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Illamasqua are known for doing things differently. It is part of the brand DNA. We managed to get some insight into beauty, makeup and how Illamasqua like to break the rules, from the brand's founder, Julian Kynaston.

The Bio

Julian has been involved with both marketing and beauty for the whole of his career. He started out working with ghd and is the chairman of the award winning marketing agency, Propaganda.

Over the years he has worked with and alongside brands like Cloud 9, St Tropez and Tangle Teezer as well.

He started Illamasqua in 2008, and since then has helped forge the brand's position as a unique, professional quality makeup brand for those who like to do things differently.

Julian's Thoughts On...

Illamasqua's Origins

The energy in the room was electric and there was no doubt that makeup was the spark.

Julian said that he first thought of Illamasqua when at a Gothic weekend in Whitby. He fell in love with the displays of creativity there and wanted to create a makeup brand that reflected that.

What Inspires Beauty

We take influence from the most diverse of places.

All of Illamasqua's collections have taken inspiration from the world around us; they always have a message. Whether that be a commentary on genetic modification, thoughts on life and death, society or nature, Illamasqua pulls these ideas together and creates beauty out of them.

On Being Cruelty-Free

Animal cruelty is rightfully a hugely important subject matter.

Julian is strongly against animal testing and believes that it is really important for customers to be aware of the consumer choices they are making. This is why he is so proud for Illamasqua to be PETA Accredited.

About What Beauty Is

Beauty is anything, everything and everyone.

One of the founding principles for Illamasqua is that beauty is for everyone; whether you're male or female, whether you're young or old, and whatever the colour of your skin. The brand is about celebrating our individuality.

On Diversity

To this day we draw our trends from the sub cultures.

Illamasqua has always been about being different. Its original inspiration was the underground theatre scene of 1920s Berlin and with campaigns like their S.O.P.H.I.E charity products, they actively try to encourage a safe space for individuals to explore and express their own personality.

Writer and expert
View Laura's profile
Major fan of scented candles, Make Up brushes and Highlighter. I’m always on the hunt for those Holy Grail products and my dressing table is covered in more beauty products than I like to admit. As an adopted Northerner originally from Brighton, I spend most my days wondering what all this rain is about. My hair isn’t grateful for the move. Currently loving: NIOD Photography Fluid