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How To Treat Dry Skin

How To Treat Dry Skin
Team LF
Writer and expert8 years ago
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Treating dry skin can be a struggle, especially when it is related to a chronic condition such as Eczema or Psoriasis. As this is a result of your genetic build-up, it is not something that can be treated but needs to be managed. Although many people are diagnosed and receive treatment from an early age, some people can develop or have their condition worsen over time.

Understanding Dry Skin

It is essential to distinguish what is causing your dry skin.  This can range from a simple change in weather to something more long term such as your genetics and skin type. Understanding the cause and your condition can help to identify the most suitable treatment option. Dry skin which is caused by a medical condition is often lacking in oils. If you have short-term bursts of dry skin, it is likely to be due to dehydration when your skin is lacking in water.

Causes Of Dry Skin

Most people are born with dry skin. This is when their skin naturally lacks moisturising factors and appears to be slightly rough and scaly to touch. Dry skin is also more common in babies and infants that other age groups, and this can improve with time.

Lifestyle can have an influence as well. Your skin is the first barrier against the harsh conditions of the environment such as sun, wind, pollution and weather. It also tends to react to external irritants and allergens, which then often leads to inflammation. This is what then results to conditions such as Eczema and Allergic Dermatitis.

  • Eczema displays itself as red, itchy dry patches which may also have small blisters of pus and are prone to peeping. It normally affects softer areas of your body such as the insides of your elbows, eyelids and the back of your knees.
  • Psoriasis is another condition which has very similar patches but doesn’t have any fluid containing pimples. Psoriasis also often displays itself in thicker skin such as your elbows, scalp and knees. The plaques also tend to be scalier in appearance with silver tones.

Treatment For Dry Skin

The most essential step in managing this condition is moisturisation. As dry skin lacks the ability to hold onto moisture, it makes it more susceptible to irritation and sensitivity.

  • Make a habit of getting into a daily skincare routine which includes gentle cleansing and exfoliation with a good amount of hydration.
  • Choose a cleanser which has simple non-irritant ingredients.
  • Avoid bar soaps and very forming cleansers and try not to use products with Alcohol, Peppermint, Menthol, Mint, Citrus, Eucalyptus and fragrances.  These ingredients can not only dry your skin further but can result in irritation and inflammation of your skin.
  • Exfoliating is another important part of managing dry skin. Opt for chemical exfoliators as grain based and physical beads can cause further irritation. One of my favourite products for deep cleansing and gentle buffing of dead skin cells is the Foreo Luna 2 for Sensitive Skin.
  •  It is vital to use SPF during the day as this will further protect your skin from sun damage.


Not all cases of dry skin can be self-managed, and therefore it is important that you seek medical advice for skin which is scaling regularly or is lasting more than 4 weeks, as you may need medicated creams containing steroids and coal tar. Also, remember to keep your skin well moisturised even when your symptoms have improved as it is always easier to prevent than to treat flare-ups. If you have any further questions about conditions or treatment options then please leave a comment below or email me on

Team LF
Writer and expert
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