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Geography with Face Mapping

Writer and expert9 years ago
View Laura's profile

Beauty School: Geography

Face mapping has taken the skincare world by storm with the likes of Dermalogica basing all their treatments on using this unique technique.  Face mapping uses specific skin analysis which looks at your skin history as well present needs, to allow targeted treatment which is unique to you as an individual.

Rather than putting your skin under the category of dry, normal or oily; face mapping looks at 14 different zones which may fit under various categories requiring differential treatment.  The zones are examined by touch and sight to provide a complete prescription of conditions such as dehydration, breakouts, congestion and hyper-pigmentation, alongside the reasons behind them.

Although this is done by Dermalogica professional skin therapists, I am going to give you some basic background to face mapping and how your skin can tell you more about your health.

Zones 1 and 3

These zones are associated with your digestive system and bladder.  This means that your diet is having an influence on your breakouts in this area.  Keep an eye out on what you are eating by cutting down on fats and increasing your water intake to flush out the toxins.

Zone 2

Breakouts in this zone are related to your liver; cutting down on high levels of alcohol and rich foods will help to improve any congestion.  This area can also indicate signs of lactose intolerance and other food allergies, so it is good to see your doctor to have an allergy test if you are suffering from breakouts in this area.

Zones 4, 6, 8 and 10

The ears and eyes represent your kidneys and can often indicate dehydration and stress on your waterworks.  Drinking water and cutting down caffeine can improve nephro-health as well as help with getting rid of dark circles.

Zones 5 and 9

Your cheeks can give an indication of your respiratory health and how well your breathing is.  People who suffer from conditions like asthma or emphysema may experience congestion and broken capillaries.  Breathing in fresh air and relaxing can not only improve your general health  but also improve your skin. Trying out a yoga class to improve your breathing will help!

Zone 7

A red and inflamed nose can indicate high blood pressure and early stages of rosacea, so try cutting down on salt and caffeine to naturally lower your blood pressure.

Zones 11, 12 and 13

These areas represent ovaries and hormonal imbalance.  A lot of women will experience breakouts just before and during menstruation, but improving your diet (and cutting down dairy) can have an influence on these areas.

Next time you are a little unsure about the random breakouts, make sure to look at where it is and take control of your own skin.  We also offer free face mapping in our Look Fantastic store in Derby!

Writer and expert
View Laura's profile
Major fan of scented candles, Make Up brushes and Highlighter. I’m always on the hunt for those Holy Grail products and my dressing table is covered in more beauty products than I like to admit. As an adopted Northerner originally from Brighton, I spend most my days wondering what all this rain is about. My hair isn’t grateful for the move. Currently loving: NIOD Photography Fluid